Rachel Arieff
Rachel Arieff
Comedian · Writer
Comedian · Writer
20 Minutos
A lethal Rachel Arieff exudes sarcasm, incorrectness and talent in her comedy show
• The architect of Anti-Karaoke caused humorous delirium in Madrid.
• She alternated provocative monologues with fun musical numbers.
• She aimed barbs at Bush, the Church, the Duchess of Alba...Arieff is emerging as the great revelation of recent months on the entertainment scene
The intrepid American unleashed collective laughter at various moments in the performance, impregnated with a cabaret aroma.
There was curiosity to see Rachel Arieff outside of her explosive Anti-Karaoke and performing her comedy show alone.
The American show-woman, who has a more solid and numerous fan base every day and is emerging as the great revelation of recent months in the entertainment scene, presented in Madrid, specifically in the Galileo Galilei room, her particular creation called "How to Be Happy All the Time".
And, perhaps also thanks to the help of a safety pin, as she herself advised, the audience achieved it. It achieved happiness. Or at least during the time that one of the most groundbreaking and provocative performances that can be remembered on our stages lasted.
All the talent and bite that are hinted at in Anti-Karaoke, here were wonderfully exposed, aimed and fired. Because that's what Arieff does. And of course, what he enjoys. Take aim at the world and fire.
Thus, in addition to an unscrupulous comedian with verbal diarrhea and a great aptitude for dancing, this show revealed a rebel with a cause, a woman endowed with a very cynical vision of life and with a tremendous ability to combine incisive humor typical of a Lenny Bruce and certain demystifying airs typical of Woody Allen with the eschatology and surrealism typical of, for example, the wonderful series South Park.
Collective Laughter
Unlike Anti-Karaoke, where several adventurers collaborate by singing songs, here she, her microphone and certain objects, such as a photo of Britney Spears' crotch, are enough to liven up the show.
Only one collaborator playing Meg White, drummer of the White Stripes, accompanied her at the performance. And the guy was full of enthusiasm.
Like Arieff herself, of course. Interspersing musical numbers with monologues, and exhibiting an admirable ease with words, the intrepid American unleashed collective laughter at various moments of the performance, impregnated throughout with a very American cabaret aroma that was greatly appreciated.
The intrepid American unleashed collective laughter at various moments in the performance, impregnated with a cabaret aroma.
No dejó títere con cabeza,She left no puppet with a head, naturally, and the Church, Bush (who she complimented by calling him a “chimpanzee”), and the peculiar functioning of the oriental waitresses in Barcelona were, among other things, the center of his parodies.
Without forgetting her ironic exaltation of the figure of the Duchess of Alba, probably the most hilarious moment of the show, and his review of the reasons why it is not worth committing suicide.
“I have no self-esteem at all, much less dignity. That's why I became a comedian," she confessed.
La audiencia de la sala, que se retiró con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja, y que tendrá la oportunidad de volver a repetir el próximo 1 de febrero, aún celebra esa decisión. The audience in the room, who left with a smile from ear to ear, and who will have the opportunity to repeat it again on February 1, still celebrates that decision.
-Pedro Rubio
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