Rachel Arieff
Rachel Arieff
Comedian · Writer
Comedian · Writer
I Attended Every Facebook Event that I Could For One Week
Pol Rodellar
April 20, 2016
“I caught a taxi (yes, a taxi) and got off in the city center. At a nearby bookstore, Rachel Arieff was reading some autobiographical stories she herself had written and will soon edit into a book. I went inside; the reading had already begun. I climbed some stairs that led to a loft, where a group of 12 people were sitting. I sat down and was fascinated by the stories, a compendium of truly raw experiences that contrasted completely with the image we can have of Rachel.
I suppose that this is one of the good things that can come out of all this crap. With just the silly trick of forcing ourselves to attend [Facebook] events, we end up discovering authentic gems. I never would have discovered that in this bookstore there was a loft where people did readings, nor that Rachel wrote these kinds of stories. Thank you, Internet.”
Interested: 23
Attending: 12
Reality: 12
Source: https://www.vice.com/es/article/eventos-facebook-semana-2004
Asistí a todos los eventos de Facebook que pude durante una semana.
Pol Rodellar
20 de abril, 2016
Cogí un taxi (sí, un taxi) y me bajé en el centro. En una librería cercana, Rachel Arieff estaba haciendo una lectura de unas historias autobiográficas que había escrito y que en breve editará en un libro. Entré y la lectura ya había empezado, subí unas escaleras hacia un altillo y ahí había un grupo de unas 12 personas. Me senté y me quedé fascinado con las historias, un compendio de experiencias realmente crudas que contrastaban completamente con la imagen que podemos tener de Rachel.
Supongo que esto es una de las buenas cosas de hacer toda esta mierda. Con la tontería de obligarse a uno mismo a asistir a eventos, uno termina descubriendo auténticas joyas. Nunca habría descubierto que en esa librería había un altillo donde se hacían lecturas ni tampoco que Rachel escribía este tipo de historias. Gracias internet.
Interesados: 23
Asistentes: 12
Realidad: 12
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