Rachel Arieff
Rachel Arieff
Comedian · Writer
Comedian · Writer
I spent years in Catalan class; now I'm ready to get my money's worth!
M'agrada Catalunya.
Tant que he preparat un monòleg en català!
Catalunya Triomfant,
Rachel Arieff's new standup show in Catalan
The C.I.A. (Catalan Institute of the Abnormalarts) and F.A.C. (Feas Artes de Catalunya) proudly present Catalunya Triomfant, Rachel Arieff's new standup show in Catalan.
Ten years in the making, Catalunya Triomfant works from the premise that Catalonia, which has a reputation for losing (even amongst Catalans themselves), is actually the biggest winner of all. And who'd know better than someone from the most powerful empire in decline on earth?
An evening of laughs, true stories and observations of an immigrant from a land that is in some ways the opposite of Catalonia, Catalunya Triomfant aims to make you see and appreciate Catalonia in a whole new way.
IMPORTANT: The show is in Catalan!
Catalunya Triomfant
Thursday, April 10
Macabra Bar
c/ Ferlandina, 55 · Barcelona
Admission €7 - at door or reserve your table in advance on Bizum (to Rachel at 665338833).
Didja know this bar has a kitchen with decent food so you can eat while watching the show? More info
Rachel's recent standup in Catalan
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